Monday, May 11, 2009

Keep your eye on the ball!!!

Growing up it was always a rule that if my parents signed me up for an activity I had to finish it. I think this came in to play after I would insist on trying a new sport or activity then after the second class I would try and get my Mom to let me quit. We have done this with Alyssa as well. I didnt realize that I would end up punishing myself.

We have tried out many things with her. We have done gymnastics - it was great, we did soccer - not so great, and now softball which has been a complete and total waste of time. She hates it and it is painfull to watch! She is way more interested in playing in the dirt than keeping her eye on the ball. Every game she asks how long it is till snack time.

I can't tell you how glad I am that there is only one game left. It is a good thing that she looks adorable in her uniform and we get to see some of our friends every weekend!



Reesha said...

HA! I totally understand Bella has pulled the same shenanigans.

Jesslyn said...

LOL- I was trying not to die of laughter when she said "Uncle, sometimes I don't like to watch the ball. I like to play in the dirt." He tried to explain to her that she may have more fun if she watched the ball...Yeah, to no avail. At least she paid more attention to the soccar ball, right?
I'm crossing my fingers for Girl Scouts.