Sunday, May 10, 2009 has been a REALLY long time!!!

So there are so many things I want to try and accomplish or start this year. I think about it all the time. It is one of those topics that I think about while I lay in bed at night. So here are the first 15. Maybe by writting them out I can actually accomplish a few of them. A girl can dream, right?

1. Succesfully grow our veggie garden. 20 plants are in the ground. I just hope they end up bearing fruit before I kill them!

2. Change my hair up again. I am thinking bangs. I am over funky colors...for now.

3. Cook at home more. Eating out is really eating up my bank account.

4. Keep to a budget. I would like my bank accounts grow not shrink.

5. Play with my baby more. It sounds simple but life is so busy and it needs to be a priority!

6. Sew more. My grandma left me all of her sewing stuff and I don't get enough use out of them.

7. Get to bed at a decent time. 11pm is not a good bedtime when I need 9 hours of sleep to not be a complete bitch in the morning.

8. Keep in touch with friends. When I get stressed and busy I tend to withdraw from people and only keep in contact from my very closest friends.

9. Spend more time on the water this summer. Summer should be all about the lake (and it makes my hubby happy)!

10. Purge the clutter! Our house is over run with STUFF. It stresses me out! We need to declutter like crazy.

11. Actually make it the gym at least 3 times a week. My body will thank me.

12. Train this darn puppy. We get so busy and poor Cody is just thrown into the mix. He needs some structure (and also need to stop chewing everything up!).

13. Finish decorating Alyssa's room. It has been in limbo for far to long!

14. Date my husband more. Dinner, movies, just be together. Silly but it never happens.

15. Take more pictures. I invested in a really good (read expensive) camera that I don't use nearly enough. I need to capture all of the great memories that we share with out family and friends to look back on years from now.

Tomorrow I will try and get a jump on things. I am off to bed. #7 is a good start.


Jesslyn said...

Yay blog! Holy crap, I can't believe it...

I need to date my hubby more too. Oh- and is now a good time to mention that she's not a baby anymore? =D

Love you!