We went to a crab feed for the Piner High School Foundation a while back and Alyssa got such a kick out of the bibs. She almost ate her weight in crab that night. I just found this picture and it cracked me up!
Monday, May 18, 2009
How cute are they?!?!
Posted by Megan at 10:41 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Keep your eye on the ball!!!
Growing up it was always a rule that if my parents signed me up for an activity I had to finish it. I think this came in to play after I would insist on trying a new sport or activity then after the second class I would try and get my Mom to let me quit. We have done this with Alyssa as well. I didnt realize that I would end up punishing myself.
We have tried out many things with her. We have done gymnastics - it was great, we did soccer - not so great, and now softball which has been a complete and total waste of time. She hates it and it is painfull to watch! She is way more interested in playing in the dirt than keeping her eye on the ball. Every game she asks how long it is till snack time.
I can't tell you how glad I am that there is only one game left. It is a good thing that she looks adorable in her uniform and we get to see some of our friends every weekend!
Posted by Megan at 9:35 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Wow...it has been a REALLY long time!!!
So there are so many things I want to try and accomplish or start this year. I think about it all the time. It is one of those topics that I think about while I lay in bed at night. So here are the first 15. Maybe by writting them out I can actually accomplish a few of them. A girl can dream, right?
1. Succesfully grow our veggie garden. 20 plants are in the ground. I just hope they end up bearing fruit before I kill them!
2. Change my hair up again. I am thinking bangs. I am over funky colors...for now.
3. Cook at home more. Eating out is really eating up my bank account.
4. Keep to a budget. I would like my bank accounts grow not shrink.
5. Play with my baby more. It sounds simple but life is so busy and it needs to be a priority!
6. Sew more. My grandma left me all of her sewing stuff and I don't get enough use out of them.
7. Get to bed at a decent time. 11pm is not a good bedtime when I need 9 hours of sleep to not be a complete bitch in the morning.
8. Keep in touch with friends. When I get stressed and busy I tend to withdraw from people and only keep in contact from my very closest friends.
9. Spend more time on the water this summer. Summer should be all about the lake (and it makes my hubby happy)!
10. Purge the clutter! Our house is over run with STUFF. It stresses me out! We need to declutter like crazy.
11. Actually make it the gym at least 3 times a week. My body will thank me.
12. Train this darn puppy. We get so busy and poor Cody is just thrown into the mix. He needs some structure (and also need to stop chewing everything up!).
13. Finish decorating Alyssa's room. It has been in limbo for far to long!
14. Date my husband more. Dinner, movies, just be together. Silly but it never happens.
15. Take more pictures. I invested in a really good (read expensive) camera that I don't use nearly enough. I need to capture all of the great memories that we share with out family and friends to look back on years from now.
Tomorrow I will try and get a jump on things. I am off to bed. #7 is a good start.
Posted by Megan at 8:58 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Well it has happened. She no longer needs me!
I never thought I would see the day that my baby left home for a big school all by her little self. By the way, don't tell her I called her little! So the first day of Kindergarten has come and gone. We are all fully intact. That is except my heart...it aches for my baby back. There is no one there saying things like "Eat your lunch, Alyssa." Oh well, I can micromanage at home.
So Miss Independent was so excited that she could barely sleep the night before meet the teacher day. She picked out her outfit which cracked me up. Only my kid would want to rock her black high top converse with a denim skirt and Hannah Montana t-shirt. So here she is meeting her teacher Julie. I am not sure what ever happened to calling your teacher Ms. Aiello, but her teacher goes by just Julie. OK, whatever.She just loves Julie!
That day was our 7th wedding anniversary so we went out to eat while Grandma M and Grandpa hung out with Lyssie. While at dinner I had a grand idea to get her a few books to help her adjust. I did realize later that they were really more for me to adjust! She got the The Night Before Kindergarten and The Kissing Hand. Let me tell you, I am glad that The Kissing Hand came with an audio CD. I don't think I could have read it to her with out bursting into tears. So after a ton of tossing and turning by the both of us, it was off to dreamland. The next morning came far too quickly!
We got ready and out the door in record time. Of course I tortured her with millions of pictures outside before we left the house.
Off to school we went! She was so excited she could not stand it! I left her with out a fuss. She could not wait for me to leave. I think I was cramping her style. I took one more picture because I couldn't help myself.
Posted by Megan at 3:31 PM 2 comments
Labels: A sad sad Mommy, Alyssa Lynn, Growing Up
Monday, August 25, 2008
If he didn't have bad luck he would have no luck at all!
Incident #1 So my Dad is a Sheriff and a month or so ago he pulled over a couple of bike riders for riding erratically. The lady said it was because she had not ridden a bike in years. Yeah...RIGHT!! My dad cried bull shit on her excuse since she REEKED of booze. So just before he went back to his cruiser to write her a ticket she decided she had to pee and without warning she pissed all over herself. Since he was in such shock and since he was trying to contain his laughter he spun around quickly to return to his car. Well, I guess his mind was elsewhere because he walked straight into a poll! He ended up with a pretty big gash on his forehead and an afternoon off from work.
Incident #2 A few weeks ago I got a call from my Mom. I could tell something was up by the tone in her voice. She said "Megan, your Dad was hurt at work." Of course, these are the kind of calls that nightmares are made of when a family member is in this line of work. Of course this one took a turn when my Mom burst out laughing and said a few words I will never forget. "Dad tased himself last night!" I know people can get seriously hurt from this but this was some funny stuff! Of course it was only funny because he is OK. So I guess what happened was a few guys were in a fight so he was trying to break it up. One guys was having none of that, so he decided to tase him. Well the first shot did not go so well. The gun jammed and misfired so he missed the guy. Well....he had to reload the gun. What he did not realize was that the gun was still in its 5 second cycle so when he went to clip in the next round it immediately went off...right into his left hand. Well good thing he had a hefty supply of adrenalin rushing through his body because he had to pry the fish hook type probes out of his hand so he could get back to breaking these guys up. In this instance he ended up with a severely bruised hand and one more day off of work. Don't worry it did not hold him down. The next night he was out playing (and winning) at BINGO!
The next day he and my Mom went on a road trip for 2 weeks. Upon their return came incident #3!
Incident #3 This one really is a doosey...a doosey with sadly not much of a grand story. Too bad he couldn't tell people that it happened when he was chasing a bank robber and got in a big tussle with him when it happened. The real story is he stepped out of a trailer and rolled his foot. I know, there is nothing more mundane as this. Luckily, my Mom was with him (as was my 5 year old!!!) I got one more call from my Mom to meet them at the hospital. This time they said it was just some torn ligaments. Too bad the next day he got a call from the hospital that one of the x-rays got lost in the shuffle and he actually broke his foot. When he came in the next day he got a cast.
Poor guy! I guess his luck has to change soon. I guess it has too he has now, with this injury, he has retired!
Remind me sometime to tell you about the time he was airlifted to the hospital. Seriously...it never ends!!!!!
Posted by Megan at 2:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Dad, Fall from grace
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Don't leave things at my house. Repete...DON"T leave things you like at my house
So, Jess just called me out on her blog for "stealing" her favorite shoes. This is BS! It is not my fault that she drunkenly kicked them off under my coffee table and left them for me to later wear.
Posted by Megan at 12:06 PM 3 comments
Labels: Jessica